Our website privacy policy.
It’s very simple really, we do not share any information about any visitors to our website and any data we may gather from those visits with anyone external to our company.
Any personal information we gather about you via our website will be used only by authorised staff within Contedia and to benefit, or aim to benefit, your subsequent involvement with us. If we obtain this to begin with, we retain only a minimal amount of personal information, including your name, role, company name (therefore, your relationship to our customer or supplier), a suitable business email address (or the email address you use in conjunction with business) and a contact telephone number, if given.
We ask for two main preferences in respect of our ability to store your personal information and use it; 1. in the day-to-day provision of our products or services with your you and your employer, and 2. in respect of whether we can contact you, as an agent of your employer, with news or information about products or services we feel may be of specific interest to you as an agent of your employer and therefore for its benefit. Your right to update these preferences or request to be ‘forgotten’ can be exercised by completing this form.
You can read our full Privacy and Data Protection Notice here.
Our website uses cookies which are intended only to aid the way in which we communicate with you during or after your visit. Information about the current types of cookies we use can be found here.